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The Sunday School is organizing a Lenten Food Drive for the Campbell River Food Bank (CRFB). It will begin on Sunday, March 1 and will end with a blessing of the food donations on Palm Sunday, April 5. Please bring in items and leave them in the basket marked Food Bank in the Narthex.  If you are not sure what to donate please take a look at the following suggestions. The CRFB would prefer the following high protein, whole grain, lower sodium (salt) and lower sugar items: Canned Foods - fish, meats; beans - kidney, black bean, chickpeas; vegetables; pasta sauces; fruit (packed in its own juice or water); hearty soups, stews, chili. 100% nut butters Pasta and rice; whole grain breakfast cereals (Please note, due to health and safety issues the food bank is not able to accept homemade items, expired food, products containing alcohol or open packages of food.)   This event is greatly appreciated by the operators and recipients of the CRFB.