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This Sunday, we really have something to celebrate - St. Peter Anglican Church services are back in the church! We will also be offering the service via Zoom. 

We are still using safe practises. Masks, social distancing and proof of vaccination are required and there is no congregational singing. Please follow the instructions of the ushers at Communion.

Today we are celebrating Carnival. Usually we do this, with Anglican propriety, in the context of a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. We can’t have that event—yet, but we can laugh, enjoy some of the humour in the Bible, and be grateful to God for the grace that has sustained us in this pandemic time. Please join in the laughter and fun knowing that God is glad when we are happy. For this service, feel free to wear your carnival beads, feathers, masks...Let's have some fun!

This is the link to the leaflet for our zoom service - BULLETIN-February 20, 2022. 

The bulletin is also attached below as a PDF downloadable document. Even if you are not joining us via your computer, phone or Ipad, please enjoy the bulletin. It contains the links to our bible passages and psalm.

For security reasons, the ZOOM link will be sent to worshipers via separate secure email. Feel free to share the Zoom link with family and friends, but do not post on social media.

If you know anyone who would like to worship with us via zoom, but are not on our email list, please contact the church at  250-286-1613 and provide the email address. Thank you!